Thursday, January 31, 2013

Few days shy of 37 weeks!

How far along? Almost 37 weeks

Maternity clothes? More like yoga pants and tanks!

Sleep? Feeling so exhausted this week! Waking up very frequently and having trouble finding a comfortable position.

Best moment of the week? Hearing my LiL mans strong heart beat at the doctor. This is something I'll truly miss!

Miss anything? I miss being comfortable. I miss being able to put on my shoes and socks.

Movement? Strong kicks and throwing punches.

Food cravings? Never had any cravings.

Have you started to show yet? Of course!

Gender? Brennen = waiting patiently for his arrival!

Wedding rings on or off? Off. Only a couple more weeks without them. I miss my bling!

Happy or Moody? Little of both. Some days are better then others.

Looking forward to? The end of pregnancy and the beginning of Mommy-hood!

Stretch Marks? None. Still lathering up daily with my mama bee belly butter.

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