Saturday, January 26, 2013

36 weeks! 4 to go!

How far along? 36 weeks tomorrow!

Maternity clothes? I prefer lounging cloths now in days. Getting dressed is a project!

Sleep? Just can't get comfortable anymore. Waking up at least every 2 hours to visit my BFF the bathroom.

Best moment of the week? Baby shower! What a great time! This baby has everything and then some. Lucky mommy and spoiled LiL guy.

Miss anything? I miss all the same. Can't wait to have a ice cold adult beverage.

Movement? More like jabs to the body.

Food cravings? Never had any cravings.

Have you started to show yet? Of course!

Gender? Brennen = hurry up LiL man

Wedding rings on or off? Off. Going to take Meg's advice and take them for a cleaning. That way they will be nice and sparkly when they return to my finger.

Happy or Moody? Happy! Very excited for the next few weeks to fly by!

Looking forward to? Tomorrow night being my last shift for a long while :)

Stretch Marks? None. Still lathering up daily with my mama bee belly butter.

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