Friday, February 8, 2013

38 weeks! Holy crap the end is near!

How far along? 38 weeks!

Maternity clothes? If I leave my comfy pants then yes it's maternity. Can't wait to start working on a new spring/summer non maternity wardrobe.

Sleep? Sucks! Feels impossible to get a good nights sleep.

Best moment of the week? Finding out I'm dilated at 1cm. Hey something better then nothing. Next week ultrasound to find out estimate weight of Brennen.

Miss anything? I miss sleep. I miss energy. I miss seeing my pretty pedicured toes. Ha!

Movement? Still jumping, kicking, and playing in my belly!

Food cravings? Never had any cravings.

Have you started to show yet? Of course!

Gender? Brennen = will be here very soon!

Wedding rings on or off? Off. Only a couple more weeks without them.

Happy or Moody? Happy as ever to meet my new lil love! Moody as ever bc I'm ready for pregnancy to end!

Looking forward to? Anxious to hear estimate weight of my lil guy. Even though I know it's not accurate, gives me some idea of what is to come. I just can't wait to have this baby in my arms.

Stretch Marks? None. Still lathering up daily with my mama bee belly butter.

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