Thursday, January 17, 2013

Week 35! Getting so close!

How far along? 35 weeks

Maternity clothes? All the time. Can't wait to get back to my regular wardrobe.

Sleep? Getting less and less sleep. Waking up very often to use my best friend the bathroom. Can't get comfortable, tossing and turning all night long.

Best moment of the week? Hearing Brennen's strong heart beat at my weekly appointment.

Miss anything? I have nothing new to report.

Movement? I have what I think may be a butt in my right upper quad area, at times it feels it may break through.

Food cravings? Never had any cravings.

Have you started to show yet? Of course!

Gender? Brennen = lucky LiL man

Wedding rings on or off? Off. I look forward to the day they can return to my finger.

Happy or Moody? Up and down. They say the last few weeks can be emotional, I agree with that!

Looking forward to? Finishing up the last couple weekends of work. And super excited for my maternity photo shoot next week!

Stretch Marks? None. Still lathering up daily with my mama bee belly butter.

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