Friday, January 11, 2013

Week 34....time is flying friends!

How far along? 34 weeks

Maternity clothes? All day everyday.

Sleep? Sleep is good. I wake up frequently to visit the bathroom. Still using my snoogle pillow to help with side sleeping.

Best moment of the week? My preggo Bestie Megan had her baby girl Olivia Ann Laws 1-9-2013. This was a super special delivery as we didn't know her sex until she was born. I can't wait to get back to Michigan to meet this precious girl.

Miss anything? I miss sleeping on my stomach. I miss being able to bend over.

Movement? Lots of movement. Love every minute of it.

Food cravings? Nah

Have you started to show yet? Yep! People say I'm small for 34 weeks, but I beg to differ.

Gender? Brennen = lucky love child

Wedding rings on or off? Off :( I attempted to wear them, huge mistake. I thought I was going to cry trying to get them off.

Happy or Moody? Happy as ever! 6 more weeks to go! I can not wait until the day is here I can meet my new little stud!

Looking forward to? Finishing my last 4 weekends of work. Yep that's all folks! Also looking forward to my maternity photo shoot and FL baby shower! Lots happening these next few weeks!

Stretch Marks? None. Still lathering up daily with my mama bee belly butter.

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