Friday, November 30, 2012

27 weeks

How far along? 27 weeks, 5 days. Sunday marks the third trimester! Yay!

Maternity clothes? Rocking Mommy clothes all day everyday! Loving my wardrobe. Have some really cute sweaters I haven't been able to wear. Michigan weather is 3 weeks away!

Sleep? Sleep is my best friend. No problems here. Changing positions frequently and using lots of pillows to help get comfortable.

Best moment of the week? Worse moment this week. Failing that damn 1hr glucose test. My number was 140 and the cutoff is 130. Needless to say today I spent 3 hours doing the test again. Please let me pass!

Miss anything? Since it is Friday night, I'll say I miss bud light in a ice cold bottle. I really miss being able to order a cocktail when out to dinner. Soon I will reunite with above!

Movement? This LiL man is moving and kicking like crazy. Starting to experience some rib pain, not so much fun! But I love feeling him play and move around. Best feeling ever. This is one part of pregnancy I will miss.

Food cravings? Nada. The whole food cravings idea is nonsense.

Have you started to show yet? Growing & Glowing. When I look at myself in mirror I don't feel that big. But when I look at pics I'm think I look pretty large!

Gender? Brennen = spoiled loved LiL man

Wedding rings on or off? On but tight.

Happy or Moody? This week I've had a LiL of both. Couple of emotional break downs. It's the hormones people!

Looking forward to? 3 weeks until Michigan! Can. Not. Wait!

Stretch Marks? None. And believe me I exam daily for these bad boys. Crossing fingers I have good genes.

Jen Candusso at 6:24 PM

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