Saturday, November 17, 2012

Week 25

Maternity clothes?  Pretty much always wearing my Mommy clothes.  Although I am still able to fit into some pre-maternity shirts and most of my dresses. 

Sleep?  Sleeping pretty good. Really miss being able to sleep on my stomach.  Tossing and turning a lot trying to get comfortable.  

Best moment of the week? Scoring some great deals on diapers! Mommy talk people! 

Miss anything? Missing a nice cold bud light!  

Movement? This lil guy is getting stronger! Love feeling he move around....pretty awesome!

Food cravings? I haven't had one craving during this pregnancy. 

Have you started to show yet? Growing each day! 

Gender? Baby Boy Brennen

Wedding rings on or off? Still on but off at night.  Don't want to wake up and not be able to remove them.

Happy or Moody? Lil of both. I get frustrated at times with stupid crap.  I am a busy body and get annoyed when I can't complete all the tasks on my lists. Trying to teach myself to slow down and RELAX!

Looking forward to? Thanksgiving this week! Also our 3d/4d ultrasound is the day after.....can't wait!

Stretch Marks? Nope. Please let it stay this way!

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