Thursday, December 6, 2012

3rd trimester!

How far along? 28 weeks, 5 days

Maternity clothes? All day everyday! It's all about comfort at this point.

Sleep? Sleep has been rough this week. I have bronchitis, so it has been hard sleeping. Using a lot of pillows to prop myself so I can breath.

Best moment of the week? Passing glucose test! Hearing Brennen's heartbeat at my 28 week appt. I can now hear his heartbeat with my stethoscope which is pretty awesome!

Miss anything? I miss sleeping on my stomach and/or back. Side to side is getting old.

Movement? Busy baby like his Mommy. We won't be having no lazy boy ;). Anthony felt his movement this week. He was trying to listen for heartbeat with my stethoscope and the LiL guy punched at him! It was a pretty awesome experience!

Food cravings? None at all.

Have you started to show yet? Yep! Loving my baby bump, hating the extra lbs. All worth it in the end.

Gender? Brennen = Blessed Baby

Wedding rings on or off? On! Definitely off at night, getting tighter.

Happy or Moody? Moody! Been sick twice in past 3 weeks. Not a happy camper.

Looking forward to? 2 weeks until Michigan! Can. Not. Wait!

Stretch Marks? None. Please stay this way!

Jen Candusso at 6:24 PM

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