Friday, November 23, 2012

Week 26!

Maternity clothes?  Pretty much all I'm wearing now in days.  Loving the cooler weather and being able to wear my maternity sweaters!  It's all about comfort!

Sleep? Sleep hasn't really been an issue thus far.  Waking up less frequently to pee, but I also stopped drinking so much water in middle of the night.

Best moment of the week? Seeing our lil guy in action on the 3d/4d ultrasound. What an amazing experience.  Highly recommend to all my prego friends!

Miss anything? The ability to bend over easily.  Thank God I never tie my sneakers, because at this point I'm not sure I would be able to. 

Movement? This is one active baby.  I can only imagine how this is going to feel as he continues to grow.  

Food cravings? Not at all, I think the cravings thing is a bunch of crap. 

Have you started to show yet? My belly seems to be growing so fast now.  I am starting to feel a lil large and in charge. 

Gender? Baby Boy Brennen

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.  But they are getting tight.  By the end of the day, getting hard to remove. 

Happy or Moody? This week I've been extremely happy.  All good things happening, no complaints from this Mommy.

Looking forward to? 4 weeks until we are in the Mitten!!! Can't express how excited I am to be with my family and friends over the holidays!  I'm hoping for lots of snow when I'm there.

Stretch Marks? None.  Continuing to lather up day and night with Burt's Bees Mama belly butter.

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