Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 24...time is flying!

How far along?  24 weeks

Maternity clothes?  Just placed another order online for some cute new maternity clothes! Loving showing off my growing belly :)

Sleep?  Sleeping good. Still waking up wayyyy too frequently. Wishing I could sleep on my stomach.  

Best moment of the week? Making appointment for 3d/4d ultrasound, can't wait to see our lil man in action. Hearing Brennen's heartbeat at the MD always melts my heart!

Miss anything? Miss being able to bend over easily.  This is becoming a slight chore!

Movement? We have one active baby! He loves to kick right around bedtime, and I love every minute of it!

Food cravings? Still no cravings to report. Just eating like a champion!

Have you started to show yet? Oh yes! Growing and Glowing!

Gender? Baby Boy Brennen

Wedding rings on or off? Still on. Getting a little tight. 

Happy or Moody? Happy! Anthony actually asked me the other day when the "mood swings" would kick in. LoL. I guess that is a good sign that I've been one happy pregnant mommy.

Looking forward to? Our trip to Michigan next month. I can't wait to spend the holidays at home in the COLD! I also can't wait for my baby shower, anxious to see all the hard work Auntie Lo has put into this little monkeys shower!

Stretch Marks? Nope.Hoping that my genes are good and I don't get any.

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