Friday, November 30, 2012

27 weeks

How far along? 27 weeks, 5 days. Sunday marks the third trimester! Yay!

Maternity clothes? Rocking Mommy clothes all day everyday! Loving my wardrobe. Have some really cute sweaters I haven't been able to wear. Michigan weather is 3 weeks away!

Sleep? Sleep is my best friend. No problems here. Changing positions frequently and using lots of pillows to help get comfortable.

Best moment of the week? Worse moment this week. Failing that damn 1hr glucose test. My number was 140 and the cutoff is 130. Needless to say today I spent 3 hours doing the test again. Please let me pass!

Miss anything? Since it is Friday night, I'll say I miss bud light in a ice cold bottle. I really miss being able to order a cocktail when out to dinner. Soon I will reunite with above!

Movement? This LiL man is moving and kicking like crazy. Starting to experience some rib pain, not so much fun! But I love feeling him play and move around. Best feeling ever. This is one part of pregnancy I will miss.

Food cravings? Nada. The whole food cravings idea is nonsense.

Have you started to show yet? Growing & Glowing. When I look at myself in mirror I don't feel that big. But when I look at pics I'm think I look pretty large!

Gender? Brennen = spoiled loved LiL man

Wedding rings on or off? On but tight.

Happy or Moody? This week I've had a LiL of both. Couple of emotional break downs. It's the hormones people!

Looking forward to? 3 weeks until Michigan! Can. Not. Wait!

Stretch Marks? None. And believe me I exam daily for these bad boys. Crossing fingers I have good genes.

Jen Candusso at 6:24 PM

Friday, November 23, 2012

Week 26!

Maternity clothes?  Pretty much all I'm wearing now in days.  Loving the cooler weather and being able to wear my maternity sweaters!  It's all about comfort!

Sleep? Sleep hasn't really been an issue thus far.  Waking up less frequently to pee, but I also stopped drinking so much water in middle of the night.

Best moment of the week? Seeing our lil guy in action on the 3d/4d ultrasound. What an amazing experience.  Highly recommend to all my prego friends!

Miss anything? The ability to bend over easily.  Thank God I never tie my sneakers, because at this point I'm not sure I would be able to. 

Movement? This is one active baby.  I can only imagine how this is going to feel as he continues to grow.  

Food cravings? Not at all, I think the cravings thing is a bunch of crap. 

Have you started to show yet? My belly seems to be growing so fast now.  I am starting to feel a lil large and in charge. 

Gender? Baby Boy Brennen

Wedding rings on or off? Still on.  But they are getting tight.  By the end of the day, getting hard to remove. 

Happy or Moody? This week I've been extremely happy.  All good things happening, no complaints from this Mommy.

Looking forward to? 4 weeks until we are in the Mitten!!! Can't express how excited I am to be with my family and friends over the holidays!  I'm hoping for lots of snow when I'm there.

Stretch Marks? None.  Continuing to lather up day and night with Burt's Bees Mama belly butter.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Week 25

Maternity clothes?  Pretty much always wearing my Mommy clothes.  Although I am still able to fit into some pre-maternity shirts and most of my dresses. 

Sleep?  Sleeping pretty good. Really miss being able to sleep on my stomach.  Tossing and turning a lot trying to get comfortable.  

Best moment of the week? Scoring some great deals on diapers! Mommy talk people! 

Miss anything? Missing a nice cold bud light!  

Movement? This lil guy is getting stronger! Love feeling he move around....pretty awesome!

Food cravings? I haven't had one craving during this pregnancy. 

Have you started to show yet? Growing each day! 

Gender? Baby Boy Brennen

Wedding rings on or off? Still on but off at night.  Don't want to wake up and not be able to remove them.

Happy or Moody? Lil of both. I get frustrated at times with stupid crap.  I am a busy body and get annoyed when I can't complete all the tasks on my lists. Trying to teach myself to slow down and RELAX!

Looking forward to? Thanksgiving this week! Also our 3d/4d ultrasound is the day after.....can't wait!

Stretch Marks? Nope. Please let it stay this way!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sneak peak of Brennen nursery

The nursery is my new favorite room of our home! We are still waiting on the glider and ottoman from buy buy baby. We also are trying to find an area rug, I really want shag just can't find right size and color yet.
Still have some finishing touches to be done, but for the most part we are good to go. Baby Brennen hasn't had either of his baby showers yet, so I'm sure we will have lots more to add

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Week 24...time is flying!

How far along?  24 weeks

Maternity clothes?  Just placed another order online for some cute new maternity clothes! Loving showing off my growing belly :)

Sleep?  Sleeping good. Still waking up wayyyy too frequently. Wishing I could sleep on my stomach.  

Best moment of the week? Making appointment for 3d/4d ultrasound, can't wait to see our lil man in action. Hearing Brennen's heartbeat at the MD always melts my heart!

Miss anything? Miss being able to bend over easily.  This is becoming a slight chore!

Movement? We have one active baby! He loves to kick right around bedtime, and I love every minute of it!

Food cravings? Still no cravings to report. Just eating like a champion!

Have you started to show yet? Oh yes! Growing and Glowing!

Gender? Baby Boy Brennen

Wedding rings on or off? Still on. Getting a little tight. 

Happy or Moody? Happy! Anthony actually asked me the other day when the "mood swings" would kick in. LoL. I guess that is a good sign that I've been one happy pregnant mommy.

Looking forward to? Our trip to Michigan next month. I can't wait to spend the holidays at home in the COLD! I also can't wait for my baby shower, anxious to see all the hard work Auntie Lo has put into this little monkeys shower!

Stretch Marks? Nope.Hoping that my genes are good and I don't get any.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week 23

Maternity clothes? Loving my maternity wardrobe! Can't wait to wear my new sweaters! Leggings are my new BFF!

Sleep? I'm not going to lie, I get plenty of sleep. My sleep is broken up every couple hours to go to the bathroom. This is becoming very annoying!

Best moment this week? Feeling a lot more movement. This baby is a gymnast. Also, I met the ultrasound tech at the hospital, and now can see Baby Brennen much more frequently!

Miss anything? Miss being able to enjoy an adult beverage.

Movement? Yes!!!!! Truly is the best feeling in this world!

Happy or Moody? Happy!

Stretch Marks? None! Thanks to Burt's Bees mama belly butter.

Looking forward to? Finishing things in the nursery. Taking the baby care class to prep for our new bundle of joy. Also counting down the days until we are in Michigan with the best family and friends ever!