Thursday, September 27, 2012

Boy or Girl!?!? Week 18

How far along? 18 weeks, 2 days

Maternity clothes? Still wearing my pre maternity dresses. But when it comes to pants, maternity all the way! Just way more comfortable with this growing belly.

Sleep? Sleeping good. Making frequent trips to the bathroom. And changing positions often throughout night.

Best moment of the week? Having my Mom in Florida for the big gender reveal day........

Miss anything? Miss my brown bottle.

Movement? I don't think I have felt movement yet. The other night I thought I did, but kinda unsure!?

Food cravings? I haven't experienced any of the crazy cravings people claim to have. Still just eating for 2!

GENDER!?!? A mister is on the way!

Wedding rings on or off!? Still ON!

Happy or moody? Happy as ever! Loving every day of this awesome experience!

Stretch marks? Nada. Just received a new Mama Bee Belly Butter from my Mama. Still lathering up day and night!

Looking forward to? Registering at buy buy baby. Daddy painting the nursery. Picking up our baby furniture. And the best part decorating!!

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