Friday, September 14, 2012

Week 16


How far along?  16 weeks, 2days
Maternity clothes?  Haven't had to wear any yet
Sleep?  Waking up every few hours to pee. In love with my Snoogle!
Best moment of the week? Hearing the baby's heartbeat again at MD appointment
Miss anything? Sleeping on my stomach and bud light in a bottle!
Movement? Haven't felt anything yet. Eagerly awaiting!
Food cravings? Nothing really...I just love to eat!
Have you started to show yet? Yep!
Gender? We find out September 28th. I can not wait. Team girl!!!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on
Happy or Moody? Happy, but I definitely have my moments. 
Looking forward to? Finding out gender of our baby. Shopping like a crazy lady. Shipment of our nursery furniture. 
Stretch Marks? Nope. Using Burt's Bees Mama Bee belly butter day and night. 

Today I spent 2 hours browsing in Buy Buy Baby! Super excited a store opened up close by. The nursery theme regardless of the baby's gender will be everything OWLS. I have fallen in love with a bedding set for a girl, still working on a boy set.  2 more weeks until we know the gender! TEAM GIRL! As much as I really want a baby girl, I will be happy with a healthy baby regardless if boy or girl! My Mom will be coming down to go to the anatomy appointment with us....we have a overly excited soon to be grandma on our hands. : )  If we have a girl, her name will be Isabella (?middle name?) Candusso. If we have a boy, his name will be (?first name?) Anthony Candusso.  As soon as we know the baby's gender, we will start working on our registry at Buy Buy Baby with the assistance of my Mom.  Even though I am OCD organized, and pretty much know exactly what I want!  
For all my Michigan family and friends, our baby shower will be December 22nd at noon.  We will be home visiting for Christmas from Dec 21-27! Can't wait to see you all! xoxo


  1. Adorable Jen!!! I was at buy buy baby today with my sister and we saw the owl bedding set we fell in love with it too!!! Love the name Isabella, can't wait for you to find out the gender!! It's a wonderful time for a baby and you look great!
