Friday, October 5, 2012

Week 19

How far along? 19 weeks, 2days

Maternity Clothes? Considering it has been hot as hell, still rocking some of my pre-maternity dresses. Although I'm loving all pants with a stretchy band. It's all about comfort these days!

Sleep? Sleeping pretty good. Still up frequently for my bathroom visits. Having some awesome dreams about our baby boy :)

Best moment this week? Picking and buying our nursery paint color. We have most of our nursery furniture in boxes in the garage. Just waiting on the hutch and rocker to come in!

Miss anything? Not this week! Just missing my bestest friends and family from the Mitten!

Movement? I still am sooo unsure if I've felt the baby move. But I know he is moving bc our ultrasound proved that!

Gender? Picking out boy names. Still in the works!

Happy or Moody? Happy! I can't wait to be a Mommy!

Wedding ring on or off? Still ON! But I'm starting to swell already.

Stretch Marks? None! And hoping it stays this way.

Looking forward to? Daddy to be painting this weekend while I work. Setting up and decorating our LiL guys nursery!

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