Thursday, December 13, 2012

Week 29!

How far along? 29 weeks, 4 days

Maternity clothes? Either maternity clothes or pajamas is what I'm rocking now in days.

Sleep? That feeling of exhaustion is slowly coming back. Sleep isn't really an issue. I'm getting as much as possible now, bc once baby is here my sleep will never be the same again.

Best moment of the week? My awesome glider came in for the nursery. So comfy, I love it. The ottoman was broke, so that I have to wait another 8 weeks for. Another fun moment this week was spending some time with our niece Madison. I love hearing her talk about "my cousin Brennen", really is the sweetest thing ever. I think she is as excited as we are for this baby to arrive.

Miss anything? I miss my pre pregnancy body. If one more person tells me my face is fat, I may punch somebody!

Movement? Kicking, punching, and playing! Love these moments!

Food cravings? None at all.

Have you started to show yet? This is obvious!

Gender? Brennen = My heart. Love this baby so much!

Wedding rings on or off? On! Off at night, getting extremely tight.

Happy or Moody? Happy! No complaints from this lady. Little over 2 months to go and I can't wait!

Looking forward to? 1 week until the Mitten! Can't wait to get some cooler weather in my life! Looking forward to the holiday season, love this time of year! Also can't wait for my baby shower with all my favorite people! Anxious to see all the hard work Auntie Lo put into this event!

I will post a 29 week pic tomorrow. Today I appear to look like a hot mess. Cleaning and nesting all day long people!

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