Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Week 21/22

Maternity clothes? Still wearing both. Tomorrow I have to go buy some new scrubs, getting a little uncomfortable around my growing belly.

Sleep? No problems in this department. Waking up less frequently to go to bathroom. Loving my snoogle pregnancy pillow....Uma loves it too, when I work she sleeps with snoogle :)

Best moment this week? Recognizing movement of Brennen. Best feeling in the world. Love love love him!

Miss anything? Miss my energy level. Just can't seem to accomplish nearly as much as I'm use to.

Movement? Yes!!!!!

Happy or Moody? Happy! Loving this journey.

Stretch Marks? None! Thanks to Burt's Bees mama belly butter. Need a new jar soon!

Looking forward to? Working in nursery. Crib, dresser, and chest are set up. Waiting on delivery of hutch for dresser and rocker/ottoman from Gram Glo! Bedding is washed and ready to go (Thanks to Auntie Mary & Mrs. Barb). I love to decorate and can't get enough time being in the nursery!

Please excuse the wet hair/pajama look! But I missed last week and needed to get my blog on!

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