Thursday, October 11, 2012

Week 20. Half way there!

Maternity Clothes? Little of both. Today I wore a pair of maternity jeans from my sister in law that I just love. Recently ordered a couple maternity sweaters for our trip to Michigan this winter.

Sleep? Still waking up at least every 4 hours to go pee. Been getting heartburn so bad at bedtime. But sill managing to get plenty of sleep!

Best Moment this week? Finishing painting nursery. Also, today I received a shipment of nursery gifts from Auntie Mary & Mrs. Barb! Love love love!

Miss anything? Being able to go go go. I find myself tiring out very quickly now in days.

Movement? Still unsure. My MD said I should definitely be feeling movement within the next couple weeks. She thinks I've felt it, just not realizing it yet. Anxiously waiting!

Gender? Brennen Anthony Candusso

Happy or Moody? Happy as ever! I have moments, but over all I'm feeling overly excited!

Wedding rings on or off? Still on!

Stretch Marks! None! Still lathering up day and night with belly butter.

Looking forward to? Setting up nursery furniture next weekend and the start of decorating our LiL guys nursery.

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