Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week 5

The last 5 weeks have been filled with memories that will last a lifetime. Watching Brennen grow and change everyday has been the best experience ever.
Today Grams leaves to head back home to the Mitten. Unless you live out of state away from your family, you truly won't understand how hard it is to say see ya later. Plain & simple it sucks. Although we are so very grateful that she was able to spend the past month bonding with her 1st grandson.
Brennen is "talking" and making all sorts of new sounds each day. He loves laying on his left side, never on his back. Enjoying tummy time and lifting his head. Hates diaper changes, would rather sit in pee and poopski. Socks are not his thing. Loving bath time. Loves being in his car seat. Still going crazy over his paci.

All the sleepless nights, poopy diapers and cries are worth it for this lil guy. I love him to the moon and back. This baby is our greatest accomplishment yet in life.

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