Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 3!

Can't believe Brennen is 3 weeks old already! We are cherishing each second of everyday with this baby, because before we know it he will be crawling!
We had our 2 week check up with Dr. Aqua and Brennen is healthy & gained 1 pound since his last visit. He received his 1st shot, and didn't like that one bit. Scared the crap out of me bc he held his breath and got red as a tomato. Not looking forward to our 2 month check up that will consist of more shots. Poor lil guy!
Grams is here for 2 more weeks! She has been such a great help. Running to grocery store, cleaning, cooking, helping with feedings day & night, and loving her grandson everyday! We are all so blessed to have my Mom in our lives. Dreading the day of departure back to the Mitten. That will be a very sad day!
Brennen is still loving on paci! Shakes his head & mouth like a mad man when paci gets close to his mouth. He is full of gas and farts like a grown man his father. When he makes poopski in his pants, the smell has made me gag. Still getting him use to tummy time. Has proven to love baths. Loves loves loves to shop...my new shopping partner :). Enjoys cuddle time and hearing our voices. Overall just a lovey, cuddly, adorable, perfect baby boy!

Brennen is loved by so many and truly is a lucky lil guy! We have received some awesome gifts in the mail, and appreciate each one of them. Looking forward to our visitors from Michigan over the next few months. I can't wait for my family/best friends to meet him!

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