Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 4

1 month old already, that went too fast! Brennen is growing like a weed, his face and body are really starting to fill out. He is eating like a lil piggy :)
Brennen made his first of many trips to the mall with Mommy & Grams. He met the Easter Bunny for the 1st time and didn't even realize what was happening! I'm sure next year may not be as easy.
We only have a few days left with Grams. She has been so much help to us....I really hate to see her leave. But she will be back down before we know it! She has a iPhone now so at least we can FaceTime everyday!
Brennen met his great grandma Candusso this week. She is visiting from New York. With her accent all she kept saying is "he is cute, he looks like a doll." I must agree with her!
Brennen is making all sorts of new sounds. Grunting, snorting, cooing all so damn cute I can't stand it! He still is loving paci, farting like a man, makes stinky code browns, loves to cuddle, is a lil swimmer and loves his baths, our lil Florida boy prefers to be naked, will not wear socks, poses well for photo sessions, and squirms around like a worm in his crib.
Overall just a handsome, lovey, adorable baby boy! I can't get enough of him, and love him to pieces!

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