Friday, February 15, 2013

Didn't make it to week 39!

Well folks the weekly pregnancy blog is officially over for now! I'm glad I documented my journey so I can look back on the memories.

Baby Brennen's expected date of arrival was 2/24/13. He made his grand entrance early on 2/13/13. Weighing 6lb 4oz & 19 inches long. Moment I laid my eyes on him I fell in love all over again!
My Mom/Gram booked her flight long ago to come to FL 2/18 to be here for the delivery of her 1st grandchild. I thought this was plenty of time before my due date. Didn't think I would go early. Unfortunately things happened differently and this broke both our hearts. I wanted my Mom to be here and I know how much she wanted the same. The positive is she will be here soon and all the rest will be history! Brennen will soon realize how lucky he is to have his Grams!

The labor & delivery?!? Oh man! Early Tuesday 2/12 @1am is when it all started. I started feeling discomfort but at this point was thinking Braxton hicks. In my mind I'm thinking I'm only 38 weeks, first baby, I can't be going into labor. For hours and I mean hours the contractions came and went, getting stronger and closer. I was running back and forth to bathroom and walking around house all night. I went that night, all day into the next night dealing with the pain that came and went. Finally on Wednesday 2/13 @ 03am I called my MD and made my way to hospital. At this point I'm thinking I hope I don't go there to find out I'm being sent home. I was triaged to find out I was in active labor. Yes!!!! Today is the day!!! Still in tons of pain I opted for an epidural. Nervous wreck about it bc the nurse in me over thinks it all. Although the E was a lifesaver for a few hours. It effected my contractions so had to be stopped prior to pushing. This scared the crap out of me. Without too many details, the epidural wore off, I felt a lot of pressure/discomfort, pushed for about 35-40 mins total and baby Brennen was on my chest. My birthing experience was a very positive and good experience. My husband, awesome nurse and MD helped me through it all. Very grateful I didn't have to have a c-section, if you don't know that was my biggest fear. Again being a nurse, I know a lot, and did NOT want to be cut.

We are overly joyed with our new lil love bug! Everyone is agreeing baby Brennen looks like his mama! I will agree with that! He is perfect and we love him to pieces.

I can't wait for Uncle Danny, Auntie Lo, and the rest of my family & friends to meet him! Until then I will send them pics everyday! This baby is lucky to be loved by 2 families. The Candusso/Michalski clan!

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